Office #: 0478 514 516
Mt Lawley · Inglewood · Bedford

About St Patrick's
Located in beautiful Mount Lawley, St Patrick's is an Anglican Church which is theologically conservative (orthodox) and formal in worship style (high).
The Parish has long been within the 'Anglo-Catholic' branch of Anglicanism which seeks to balance a strong reliance on Scripture that came out of the Reformation, whilst continuing in the pre-Reformation English churches' liturgy and sacramental ministry. We aim in our services to communicate both Word and Sacrament in a holy and reverent way, and are aided by our congregational choir and heritage-listed pipe organ.
We love welcoming new-comers and visitors, and have weekly children's programs, crèche, and morning teas. Over the course of each school term we also hold 3-4 luncheons to which all are welcome. We would love to take the time to meet you over one of these meals.
We sadly stand apart from most of those claiming the 'catholic' title in the Anglican Diocese of Perth as this unfortunately is often a self-designated title by those who are actually liberal and progressive.
We pray and long for that day when all of Christ's Church comes to unity in the truth, so that the world might see and believe.

Christ, be with me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me, Christ in me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ where I lie, Christ where I sit,
Christ where I arise, Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me.
Salvation is of the Lord.
Salvation is of the Lord.
Salvation is of the Christ.
- St Patrick's Breastplate
St Patrick's History
The suburb of Mount Lawley was named in 1901 after Sir Arthur Lawley, Governor of the state of Western Australia from 1901 to 1902.
His wife, Lady Lawley, consented to the name on the condition that no hotels were to be established in the area. The first houses were erected in 1909, while the first Anglican church, St Patrick’s, was opened in 1912.
Beaufort St & First Ave
Mount Lawley, WA 6050
Office #: 0478 514 516